Indonesian Sumatran Fairtrade Organic

Indonesian Sumatran Fairtrade Organic

Indonesian Sumatran Fairtrade Organic

Price per item with selected options) £11.00

 Great Taste 2022 - 3 Stars

In 2022 we received a 3 star award for our sumatran coffee it's taken us some time to find another Sumatran that we believe continues this quality.

For 2023 our Fairtrade Organic Sumatran is from the Gayo region. This is from a women managed co-op called Ketaira which is part of the the Café Femenino Foundation, a nonprofit established alongside the Café Femenino program in 2004, provides grants to the program's farmers to help them enhance their lives and the lives of their families and communities. Ketaira has used grant money from the Foundation to provide leadership and financial training courses to its members, as well as to build a community center above their wet mill. The center functions as a safe space where the women can gather, learn new skills and organize.

Indonesia, Sumatra 
Giling basah (wet-hulled)
Milk chocolate, caramel, berries, nuts; balanced and creamy.